Posts Tagged ‘Allen’
unGEEKing it!
What’s more fun than a barrel of monkey’s? A room full of geeks talking about how to use and get the most out of social networking, that’s what. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend all three days of the unGEEKED elite Retreat in Milwaukee on May 13th-15th, 2010 at the University Club of Milwaukee. The retreat was put on by incomparable CD Vann (@thatwoman_is) and the fine folks at
All I can say is what a blast! Speaking at the event were some of the best and brightest minds in all of social media, so it’s now wonder the retreat is touted as the SXSW of the Midwest. We heard from the likes of: Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan), Jason Falls (@jasonfalls), Sally Hogshead (@sallyhogshead), Joe Sorge (of @AJBombers, fame) and tons of other folks, the presentations were great, and there were opportunities a plenty to get your geek on and hang out people from all over Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and even as far away as Canada who were as excited abut social networking as you were.