
Chicago, May 12-14th
Where: Syncubator, 322 S. Green Street, Suite 300
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What is unGeeked?

unGeeked is marketing, branding, social media, public relations, sales, customer service, human resources and legal. Today, these are the departments contributing to the conversation that leads to authenticating the value of the brand’s promise. unGeeked is learning how to effectively leverage the corporate and the personal brand while creating a transparent and greater brand presence.

unGeeked 3-day Retreat’s unique format:

  • No keynote speakers: unGeeked levels the playing field by presenting you with an influential list of international, national and regionally recognized consultants and authors.
  • No Presenters: unGeeked is where you participate in open discussions with “discussion leaders” regarding leveraging your corporate and personal brand.
  • Fewer Power Points or Prezi’s: Really? We don’t like them. However, if the speaker needs to use one of these tools, they are limited to only five slides.
  • More speaker and attendee interaction: We’re changing what to expect from a seminar or conference.

Participation is limited to 125 people. This allows attendees more opportunity to create a real dialogue between themselves and the discussion leader. unGeeked’s format fosters more learning, greater bonds, creates new alliances and provides value to both you and your company.
unGeeked Chicago Discussion Leaders
are some of the best internationally, nationally recognized consultants and authors.