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    Celebrity Charity Roast

    To attend the #RoastBrogan Pre-event click here

    #RoastBrogan unGeeked Celebrity Charity Roast
    Join unGeeked and friends as we publicly honor celebrity Chris Brogan. His family and friends will join Chris and friends as they use comedic insults, banter, tongue-in-cheek criticism, outlandishly true stories, and some not so true along with heartwarming tributes to honor Chris.

    You know Chris Brogan
    He is co-author of Trust Agents and Social Media 101: Tactics and Tips to Develop Your Business Online, one of the founders of Third Tribe and Kitchen Table Companies and 501 Mission Place. Chris is an internationally and nationally recognized speaker, consultant, leader and family man. You can follow Chris on Twitter at @ChrisBrogan or read his blog at:

    What is a Roast: Check out this clip of Julia Roberts Roasting/Honoring Tom Hanks

    Tickets: $50.00 per person – includes “light appetizers,” and cash bar.
    All monies from ticket sales to benefit the charity SitStayRead
    Monies from auctioned items to benefit the charity SitStayRead

    All monies from the #RoastBrogan unGeeked Celebrity Roast will benefit the local Chicago charity, SitStayRead was founded in 2003 by Sarah Murphy and Mary Ellen Schneider, SitStayRead has grown to serve 3,000 children in eight schools with 150 volunteers and 45 dog teams. There is a waiting list of schools eager to have SitStayRead for their students. Click on the link to read how SitStayRead works to help children become better readers and young authors.

    unGeeked Celebrity Roast
    unGeeked believes in giving back to local charities in the cities we visit. We do this by roasting celebrities and matching them with a worth wild local charity to receive the monies. The Roasters are friends and family of the Roastee.  The Roast is done in good humor and classic Dean Martin Roast Style and taste.